I Have Been Blessed

All about how God has blessed me. In my marriage, with my six children, through homeschooling, and our faith with recipes, large family living, and updates on our life.

Write With World

on April 13, 2012

During a time of evaluations a couple of years ago, I noticed that the one area Brendyn was lacking in was writing. The curriculums, although having him write in journals, write short stories, and do creative-type writing, hadn’t really *taught* him how to write, or the mechanics of writing. Since then, I have been on the hunt for the *right* Writing curriculum.

This writing curriculum, Write with World, comes at writing from a different perspective. This curriculum is created from the same people who create God’s World News (a Biblical News Magazine for children), and World (an adult Biblical News Magazine).

Write with World is a Middle School Curriculum that is just being released. I received the Student Workbook and the Teacher’s Guide, (the first year in a two-year curriculum), that will retail for $95, or $165 when both first and second year are purchased together. Purchase also included access to a user website, coming this fall, which will allow students an online publishing opportunity, as well as additional writing subjects to freshen and add-to what is in the textbook.

This curriculum is split into four units (Developing Critical Readers, Developing Writers: Building Blocks and Biographies, Writing Autobiography, and Crafting Narratives). Each Unit is then split into four lessons. You can see the complete Table of Contents here and a sample lesson (pdf) here.

I think this is a great curriculum. I appreciate the way it is written to the student. The directions are clear. The examples understandable. The writing broken into chunks to make it more meaningful. It’s less formulaic and more guided journaling. The teacher’s guide offers the complete student text, along with extra points to make and ideas for challenging them or checking their work. I look forward to digging more into this curriculum and finding out if it is indeed the *right* curriculum for us.

I received these books for free in exchange for my review. Other homeschoolers reviewed this product as well, and you can find my review as well as theirs listed here.

We are so Blessed!


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